Pitchin 'In
Interested in helping out around the farm?
There are always projects on the go around here that we would never turn down help with. From animal care and chores to building projects and inventing new infrastructure, there is no shortage of work and adventure.
If you want to come out for some fresh air, some good exercise and get some farm experience, we will gladly put you to work!
Afterward we can sit and enjoy some snacks, coffee/tea or an ice cold beverage and shoot the breeze about life on the farm.
Alabaster Acres is proud to be a host farm for Wwoof Canada!
Here is some info quoted from their website: www.wwoof.ca
WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms, Canada (WWOOF™ Canada) is part of a worldwide movement linking visitors with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange thereby helping to build a sustainable global community.
The Aims of WWOOF
Are to provide individuals from all around the world the opportunity:
to get first-hand experience of organic farming & gardening and to lend a helping hand wherever needed;
to get into the countryside and experience Canada and Canadians;
to help the organic movement, which is often labour intensive and does not rely on artificial fertilizers & pesticides;
to make contact with other people in the organic movement;
to have a wonderful enriching experience;
to have a cultural exchange with Canadians.